Where can I live on a houseboat on the Hudson in NJ
by Carmine
(Northern New Jersey)
Living on a houseboat - Hudson - Northern New Jersey
I'm interested in houseboat living, especially the Hudson River in northern New Jersey.
Is there anyone who can help me find a marina that allows year round living aboard a houseboat on the Hudson in northern New Jersey? The Manhattan skyline would be ideal.
Thanks Carmine.
Reply - AnswerWell Carmine, congratulations on your decision to live on a houseboat. I don't know if you have any previous boating or live-aboard experience, so I may suggest having a look at our
tips on houseboat living page.As to finding a liveaboard houseboat marina on the Hudson NJ, you could
look at our houseboat marina page to get some names and contact info.
If you prefer, sometimes it's better to simply drive through the areas that you would like to live in, and personally visit the marinas along the way to get a realistic view of the place and people.
Lastly, hopefully some of our readers will share and post comments about locations, and their houseboat living experiences. Feel free to use the "Click here to post comments." link found at the bottom of this page.
Thanks again for sharing, IAN from all-about-houseboats
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