VacuFlush Electric Marine Toilets in Houseboats
by David
(Brighton, IL)
Typical VacuFlush Electric Marine Toilets in Houseboats
We have a 1983 Gibson Houseboat, with a VacuFlush Electric Marine Toilet. We have a flushing problem, and are assuming our pump may be bad.
We have a Vacu-flush marine toilet systems, 800 series, with a Mansford pump, model no.s12d.
Where can we find a replacement pump and/or repair kit? If a new system is recommended, what and where can we find such a product.
Thank You, Dave Wilmouth
Reply - AnswerWell Dave, sorry to hear about your flushing problems, since there's nothing worst on a houseboat than a poorly functioning head.
If your feeling handy with tools, you can try to get replacement parts, or a rebuild kit at a
VacuFlush Parts & Service Center.As another cost effective alternative, you could always
buy a replacement pump for it should it be necessary for your Vacuum System.
If you decide that your fed up with an old system and would rather simply install a
new VacuFlush Electric Head, you will find good prices here.
Lastly, hopefully some of our readers will share and post comments about their VacuFlush Systems on their houseboats, or their troubleshooting experiences.
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