Tips on Houseboat Living in Canada - house boats let us live our dream.
by Philippe-Pierre Doucet
(Okanagan Lake, BC, Canada)
Houseboat Living - We live on our house boat dream home.
We're houseboat living in Canada, and house boats are our way that we live our dream on a daily basis. We live on a 60 ft Three Buoys houseboat in Canada with my fiancee, and though the temperature is not too bad for Canada, we have found it to get a bit chilly.
So we have a built-in propane furnace, and a few ceramic heaters that we power by generator. We have found that when the temperature dips below 0 deg F, we confine ourselves to living in the room with the furnace.
We also find that by using the thick duvet and several blankets helps a lot, and also having a loving spouse (we also have a big dog, a 100 lb german sheppard) to snuggle up with is a life saver.
We're not moored in a marina, but are tied to a buoy in the middle of a lake. Our dog is not very well behaved in the canoe, so taking him to shore is an adventure twice a week.
We do however have converted our lawn, into a huge kiddy pool (the lake), and have a 60ft X 15ft upper deck we use for exercise.
Houseboat Living in Canada, Philippe-Pierre Doucet.
Reply - AnswerWell Philippe-Pierre, welcome to the houseboat forums, and congratulations on your story on how to live on a houseboat in Canada.
You made some
great points about living on a boat.
1) It helps when you have a great spouse who loves to live on a boat.
2) The built-in propane furnaces can generate plenty of heat for chilly weather.
3) It just goes to show that pets and houseboats, can live well together.
4) The Oliver, Penticton, and Okanagan area is a beautiful part of British Columbia.
I have listed some articles below for folks who are contemplating living on a houseboat in a cold winter climate:
Winter Cold Climate Houseboat LivingInsulating for Year Round Houseboat LivingWinter heating for houseboat living"Living aboard houseboats with pets, dogs, and catsLastly, hopefully some of our readers will share and post comments about their houseboat living dreams and experiences. Feel free to use the "Click here to post comments." link found near the bottom of this page.
Thanks again for sharing, IAN from all-about-houseboats
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