The First Million House Boats - 1,000,000 houseboat pages or hits.
by Ian
A Million Hits - 1,000,000 houseboat pages served!
The first million is the toughest, and we mean 1,000,000 houseboat pages or hits served, not house boats or dollars. You thought we meant the first million dollars or houseboats, no, we meant web-server pages.
We just feel like celebrating, and celebrate is what we'll do, because a million webpages, or in our case, a 1,000,000 houseboating pages served already this year has definitely got to be a milestone, and it shows that we're going in the right direction.
We want to send a sincere thank you to all our readers and visitors, who supported us, contributed, commented, or had kind words to encourage us throughout the year. It's because of you all, that we are, where we are.
A new year is coming, and we have great plans in the works to continue to grow the site into one of the major houseboat information sources of real-life, unbiased, down to earth houseboat articles, editorial reviews, tips and guides. As usual, all written for the curious, new, beginner, or advanced experienced house boater in mind.
In reality, we would have never achieved this major milestone if wasn't for Site Build It or SBI for short, since it's with their comprehensive package, and it's only about a dollar a day. It's the best deal, and decision that I have ever made.
With SBI, we were able to build a successful growing website that gets free, high volume, targeted traffic, which is what you need to be found amongst the huge amount, or @ 100,000,000 websites already on the internet.
Have you considered having a website? Do you have any hobbies, business ideas, or passions that you would like to explore, than you deserve the opportunity to check SBI out for yourself. Today, is the Day!
If you're like me, and prefer to watch a short video, and curious how we created a website like this, than you should look at a 2 minute video that may very well change the rest of your Life! Sincerely, Ian
Back to 1,000,000 houseboat page hits!
Lastly, hopefully some of our readers will share and post comments about this page, or add their own $1,000,000 million dollar houseboat experiences. Feel free to use the "Click here to post comments." link found near the bottom of this page.
Again, thank you all, IAN from all-about-houseboats
Free Bonus OfferTo show our deep appreciation to all of our readers and visitors, here is the link to our free houseboat magazine, the INSIDER. Go ahead click the book and sign-up, it's free and filled with great articles, tips, information and website updates.