Course How To

Summer rental vacation aboard a houseboat!

by Kori Dymond
(Ontario, Canada)

Tips and Ideas for a Rental Houseboat Vacation

Tips and Ideas for a Rental Houseboat Vacation

We're renting a houseboat for a summer vacation, and we are wondering what to bring, and especially what not to forget.

We have rented a houseboat out of Peterborough, Ontario, and we wanted to ask the more seasoned houseboaters if there is anything that you would recommend we bring or not to forget!

There will be two families, so 4 adults of average size, and 3 children and a new born baby! Any HINTS AND TIPS would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks, Kori in Ontario

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Reply - Answer
Well Kori, you will find the following page very useful and helpful on planning what to bring on a rental houseboat vacation.

One of the other items that you should consider, is either renting or bringing an inflatable boat dinghy or small day boat, this way you will be able to go fishing, tubing, exploring, or as a simple way to go to town to get supplies.

One of my last tips would be a safety tip, and it would be to bring a "new born baby" sized life jacket, since the rental houseboat company may only have children or adult sizes available.

Lastly, hopefully some of our readers will share and post comments about their houseboat rental experiences.

Be sure to take pictures and come back to share your comments, thoughts or experiences about a rental houseboat vacation.

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