Remodeling a 60 foot Hilburn Houseboat
by Tom
(New Orleans)
The 60 foot Hilburn houseboat
I currently live in a 48 foot Hilburn Coastal Cruiser which I am going to sell. I recently re-purchased a 60 foot Hilburn with a planning hull. I want to totally rebuild the boat with a $100,000 budget.
I was looking a $100k as follows: (25K for hull, 25K for Kitchen, 25K for overhauling engines, and 25K for wall and ceiling repair and replacement. I am looking for help in doing this.
The boat is in New Orleans and I plan to haul it out in about 2 weeks. I would be willing to allow help to live aboard the 48 foot Hilburn. It is in great shape.
Thanks, Tom from New Orleans.

Reply - Answer
Hi Tom, congratulations on purchasing a 60ft Hilburn houseboat. I am sure that once finished, it will be a great liveaboard boat with lots of living space.
I also presume with a budget of your size, the boat will have plenty of great amenities and will be "a boat of your dreams".
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Thanks again for sharing, IAN from All About Houseboats
PS: I just hope that people
read the Houseboat BUYING Guide before going out and buying a boat.More Information
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