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Problems in the architecture of Houseboats

by Hugo

Hello. First of all, I am a student from brazil.

I have to find problems and solutions for them in the architecture of houseboats as a school project and I thought you could help me.

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What is the Goal?
by: Anonymous

I would suggest that you first consider: What is the single primary goal to be solved. For sure, there are many issues to consider when honing your designs, however, I would challenge you to determine which of these is most important!

I shall provide my own non-professional opinion.... Since you have asked.

And at the risk of having you simply close the web page, upon the instantaneous thought: Oh Nooo, not another amateur, I shall continue.

I do not want to be presumptuous, and again I would like to emphasize, I am infact an amateur; however I believe the number one (1) goal, should be to keep the Humans alive!

Perhaps your boat design should never, ever, ever, sink!

Just a thought.


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