Pontoon Houseboat Maintenance - how often to coal tar epoxy the pontoons?
by Craig Jacobsen
(Oakland, CA, USA)
Steel Pontoon Houseboat on Lake Trinity in 2009
When it comes to maintenance of the pontoons on my houseboat, how often to check or coal tar epoxy the pontoon. I have a 56' houseboat on Lake Trinity in Northern California.
My boat has steel pontoons and they are cold tarred. The boat has been in the water for 5 years. How long is it safe to leave the boat in the water before I need to haul out, and re-tar the pontoons?
Thanks, Craig, Lake Trinity.
Reply - AnswerWell Craig, welcome to the forums, and congratulations on having your steel pontoons coal tarred, and your decision to look into the condition of the hull.
When it comes to how long before preforming maintenance on your steel pontoons, it depends on a few factors. You have to look at what kind of service are the pontoons being put through, and how well the coal-tar epoxy has been applied?
* Are you beaching or grounding the house boat often, and thus scraping and slowly removing the coal tar epoxy?
* Depending on where you do your boating,
such as what kind of water conditions like salt, brackish, or fresh water?
* How well was the coal-tar epoxy applied, was the surface properly cleaned first to provide maximum bondage and adherence?
* Are you more inclined to do preventative maintenance, or want to wait for a complete hull coating job is necessary?
From my experience you can generally go 5-7 years of use before hauling the boat out, and doing a thorough inspection. There is many folks that will do yearly visual inspections by diving around the pontoons, or hiring the local diver to have a look around.
If you're a more technically inclined person, and you would like a more detailed explanation about coal tar epoxy and marine use, have a look at www.epoxyproducts.com/coaltar.html
Lastly, hopefully some of our readers will share and post comments about their houseboat coal tar epoxy tips and experiences. Feel free to use the "Click here to post comments." link found near the bottom of this page.
Thanks again for sharing, IAN from all-about-houseboats
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