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Pontoon house boat and rough waters!

by anastasia
(toronto ON)

I live on lake ontario and am interested in buying a houseboat and becoming a liveaboard the one we found was a 40 foot pontoon house boat and we found it cheap BUT we arent sure what to do about the choppy winter waters will we bo ok on a pontoon style house boat??

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It can be done
by: One Step Beyond

Your boat will need enough freeboard to handle average waves/wakes. Minimum I would say at least 2 feet fully loaded. If your toons are half submersed, you will probably have problems. In rough water don't forget the possiblity of "pontoon effect" When you have a toon more than half submersed, and then a rapid shift of weight.
Pontoon houseboats won't sink, but they can capsize. You might consider adding a 3rd toon, have it larger than the two. Have it sectioned for fuel storage. Would give you bouancy, ballast, more freeboard and act as a keel and more range than you would need.
just a suggestion

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