Palm Trees on Houseboats
by Dia
Decorative lighted palm trees look great on houseboats
Lighted decorative palm trees for houseboats
Decorative lighting and palm trees on houseboats
Has anybody seen Palm Trees on Houseboats? They look amazing, and add a great relaxing atmosphere.
I have seen houseboats with decorative palm trees on them, with various colors and heights.
The palm trees appear to be metal, and have seen some to have coconuts with lights in them. Three dimensional. Where can I get one of these trees?
Thanks, Dia.
Reply - Answer
Well Dia, I know what you mean, those decorative palm trees add a great look to houseboats, and they don't require any maintenance. :)
I know there are some decorative palm trees that are good for indoor & outdoor use, are UV protected, and the leaves even blow in the wind. They are very realistic looking, and they even come with coconuts and LED lights.

Lastly, hopefully some of our readers will share and post comments or tips about their decorative lighting and palm tree experiences on houseboats.
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Thanks again for sharing, IAN from all-about-houseboats
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