Original River Queen houseboat photos, history, brochures, and pictures.
by Bob of Bethel Isl, Ca
Original photos and history of River Queen houseboats
I have an old Brochure with some original River Queen houseboats, and photos from my old job at Richards Yacht Sales Oakey /Bethel Island, CA that I'd like to share for history.
Here's a 40' River Queen and Photos from my old job at Richards Yacht sales Oakey /Bethel Island, CA, and here's Earl S Gardner author of the Perry Mason Novels. He had three River Queens and mobile homes near by.
He wrote 3 books on the delta. Many of the RiverQueen photos and scenes of our Caifornia Inland Delta waterways, Saramento River, San Jouquin River, Mokelumne River, Stockton Ca the books were Drifting down the Delta, World of Water and I think the other was more of drifting down the delta or something like that.
A great spot was "Lost Isl club" by Buoy 49 by Stockton Ca in the San Jouquin River. Like a (mini) "Fantasy Island".. Don't know if it is still open, but I can say I would visit it every chance I got...
PS: Helpful hint, we would widen the foot area of the outdrive with 10" Cavitation Plates bolted to the outdrive using 3/8' nut & bolts. Two triangle plates of aluminum on both sides of the outdrive over the prop.
Using painted and bolted with 6 or 7 bolts per plate. This would help to keep the prop
from sucking air. The boats planed out better, with either single or twin engine.
Hope this is helpful, Bob, June 2009
Reply - AnswerWell Bob, I want to thank you for all the effort of scanning the photos and brochures, and also for the excellent original pictures of these great steel houseboats.
For folks that want to see them, this link with the
original River Queen houseboat photos will open in a new window. (because of the size and quantity of pictures)
I'm sure that I speak for others by saying that I always appreciate reading and hearing about the nostalgia and history associated with the River Queens.
Lastly, hopefully some of our readers will share and post comments about their River Queen houseboat experiences. Feel free to use the "Click here to post comments." link found near the bottom of this page.
Thanks again for sharing, IAN from all-about-houseboats
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