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Motorcycle on Houseboat?

by Patricia

We are a few years away, but have given serious thought to living aboard a houseboat in Florida, or somewhere south. HOWEVER ... my husband has always said "yeah, one that we can put our motorcycle on if we need to pick up and move" (for whatever reason). Are there houseboats where you could actually do this? Has anyone here done it? I know it is probably a strange question, lol!

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Motorcycle & Boating
by: Anonymous

I have the same plans, I'm looking forward to it & I think it is a great idea..My an is to wide my front railing , and pull Bow first into the slip and push/ride it on & strap it down..I think it is an awesome idea, to have transportation when you get where your going..What better of a ride to explore the sites. I have not done this , as of yet..Ill post pic's when I do..Please do the same & if anyone has any in put ...Take care & happy trails.

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