Many Questions on Houseboats - Should I Build, or Buy a House Boat?
by Joe & Betty Austin
(Mt. Home, AR, USA)
How to Decide whether to Build, or Buy a Houseboat.
I have many questions about houseboats, and wonder if I should build one, or maybe buy a used house boat instead. I ran across a good deal on an old abandoned 32'x 14' pontoon, and got all excited and thought why not build a houseboat?
However I am always having problems to find and figuring everything from the holding tanks, to how do you ground the electrical system (like in a house, we use a grounding rod driven into the ground). We think we are going to try and build a 14"X 24" "cabin" to stay in......hopefully.
I guess my main concern is with weight. Do not want to build a submarine, but a houseboat. We are open to any advice or suggestions. Also, we have to do all construction on land so it can be inspected and approved before we can float it.
Please feel free to reply. We are taking our time so this probably won't be completed for a couple of years.
Thank You, God Bless All, Joe & Betty Austin
Reply - AnswerWell Joe and Betty, congratulations on your decision to go with a pontoon houseboat.
In regards to your question, here is a link to help you with the
weight and displacement capacities of houseboat pontoons. Now my reply below will be more based towards whether people should be building houseboats, or buying a houseboat?
Here are some things to consider about building or
1) Decide whether to spend your time Building, or Boating?It will require some time to look at your priorities and needs, and since our spare time is precious, how do you see yourself spending your spare time? Do you want to spend it with tools, or having supper out at anchor?
2) Decide if you like Building more, than boating.This will all depend on your electrical & mechanical knowledge, skill level, available time, helpful friends, building facilities, tools, and equipment or resources available. Here is a good book about
a families dream of building a houseboat.3) Decide if you like Boating more, than building.Than possibly it would be cheaper and easier to simply purchase a good used houseboat. It's easier to refurbish or remodel a used boat, than build one. Here is a good place to start your search for a houseboat.
Should I buy a New or Used Houseboat?*
Looking to go for a New Houseboat?*
Used Houseboats - Where to Start.As you can see, there is endless possibilities, just a matter of deciding which is best for you.
Lastly, hopefully some of our readers will share and post comments about their houseboat building or buying decisions and experiences. Feel free to use the "Click here to post comments." link found near the bottom of this page.
Thanks again for sharing, IAN from all-about-houseboats
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