Living the Houseboat Dream Lifestyle - live and enjoy life on houseboats.
by Robert B. Brumfield
(Spring City, Tennessee)
Living the Houseboat Dream - enjoying life on houseboats.
I'm living the houseboat dream and lifestyle choice. You too can choose to live and enjoy life on houseboats also. This is my second houseboat, and being a liveaboard on both... my first in Florida and now I am in the cool and comfortable mountains of Tennessee.
There is nothing better than waking up to the smell of coffee brewing and then frying bacon on the front deck's grill...(why heat up the interior?) We just throw an iron skillet on the bar-b-que grill and turn it on low and the bacon just cooks itself. You get up every once in a while to turn the strips.
Meanwhile you sip your coffee and enjoy the view.... the birds chirping and the geese flying in formation over the water are the most relaxing experiences there are. The day passes by so leisurely that you almost feel guilty enjoying yourself so much.
Your main worries are what to throw on the grill for that evening. To sit out and look at the stars on a clear evening is a religious experience... and then to sleep with the gentle rocking is rewarding in itself. You wake up feeling quite refreshed.
I think about the poor guys racing around to get ready for work and then sitting in traffic for hours... I DID that for years working for a
law firm. I feel like I have died and gone to is fabulous and I feel so lucky to have discovered this wonderful lifestyle.
My best to all out there, and HAPPY BOATING !!!!
I'm living the fantasy,
Robert B. Brumfield, Spring City, Tennessee
Reply - AnswerWell Robert, when it comes to living the houseboat dream, I can agree and appreciate the fact that you shared your thoughts on your excellent lifestyle choice.
Life on the water is generally at a much slower pace and a lot more peaceful, especially when compared to the hectic, traffic laden city life.
Lastly, if any of our readers and visitors want to share or post comments about their living on a houseboat dreams or experiences. Feel free to use the "Click here to post comments." link found near the bottom of this page.
Thanks again for sharing, IAN from all-about-houseboats
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