Is there Houseboat Property Taxes? New or used boats taxed also?
Houseboat Taxes - property and sales tax
How are property and sales taxes collected on a houseboat? The reason I am asking about property taxes, or sales taxes for that matter, is that I'm contemplating buying a house boat.
I would imagine that there's sales taxes on a new boat, maybe even on a used houseboat, but I just don't know if there's any property taxes?
Do houseboat owners have to pay property taxes if it's only used for pleasure, or also if you use it as a second residence.
If anyone has any information, I'd be really interested to know.
Reply - AnswerHello,
That's a very common question, since many people would think that there would be houseboat property taxes. In reality, the marinas would be paying the property taxes and as part of the expense, a portion of it reflected in your dock fees.
The other popular form of tax collected on or from houseboats would be the sales tax levied on the houseboat purchase side.
You would have to check with your local state sales tax regulations to see if it applies on only new houseboats, or also on used houseboats.
Maybe some of our other readers from around the world can let us know by posting comments, on how this issue is handled in other areas of the houseboating world.
Lastly, hopefully some of our readers and visitors will share and post comments about their houseboat property and sales tax experiences and tips.
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Thanks again for sharing, IAN from all-about-houseboats
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