Insulating for year around houseboat living in Minnesota
by Chez
(St. Paul, MN)
A classic all Aluminum Kingscraft Houseboat
We are purchasing a 55' Kingscraft houseboat, all aluminum with plans for year around living. We are looking for ideas or tips on cold climate houseboat living. Any ideas on how to insulate perimeter walls and heating. Any experience or suggestions?
Thanks Chez, St Paul, MN
Reply - AnswerWell Chez, congratulations on your purchase of an excellent all aluminum Kingscraft houseboat. They have always been one of my favorite models, and the all aluminum construction make for a sturdy, long lasting houseboat.
As to tips and ideas for year round living in a cold climate, you may want to read some of our pages with helpful information:
Houseboat Living Tips - Winter or Cold ClimatesHouseboat Living - Winter Heating TipsAs to tips and ideas for insulating perimeter walls, condensation is an issue when the inside is heated and the outside is cold. This all depends on what type of changes that you would like to do?
Do your refurbishing plans involve more than just changing the curtains and painting, or are your looking at removing the interior paneling and adding an "R factor" insulation.
It would be wise to add some insulation between the interior & exterior walls. This would call for some more extensive refurbishing, but well worth your time and effort. It may also allow you to update any electrical and plumbing.
You may also want to add some clear exterior heat shrinkable plastic warp to the windows, this helps in cutting down on cold drafts. (Home Depot's have it)
Lastly, hopefully some of our readers will share and post comments about their winter houseboat living or insulation experiences.
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