Houseboats on Lake Conroe, Texas USA
by Bob Brink
(Kingwood, TX, USA)
Houseboating Texas Style - houseboat ready for 4th of July
Captain on his ramp
Sunset from the upper deck
Skipper pooped after swimming
Our favorite houseboat place has to be Lake Conroe in Texas. Of course, it would help if we had water in the lake. Due to the Texas drought, the lake is down about 6.5 feet & falling fast.
Other than that, Lake Conroe has numerous restaurants, night spots and other facilities that make life on the water just that much more enjoyable. The prime attraction for us are the wonderful people who are in our marina. We are more like family and enjoy our gatherings.
It may be a wedding, a memorial service on the water, a boat parade, fireworks displays or just a barbeque on the docks. As a fisherman, I relish being on the lake or in the marina. Lake Conroe has a variety of game fish which can make any outing worthwhile.
Our main guests are our two Golden Retrievers, Captain and Skipper. We built a ramp that lowers into the water from the dock and they would rather chase water toys all day than anything else. They wear us out just throwing the toys, but they enjoy it so much we just sit back and laugh.
Bob Brink, Lake Conroe, Texas.
Reply - AnswerWell Bob, I can see that you have found yourself a little piece of heaven on Lake Conroe. Some people use the expression "it's a dogs life", but I think your two dogs have it made.
Lastly, hopefully some of our readers and visitors will share and post comments about their favorite houseboat areas and experiences.
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Thanks again for sharing, IAN from all-about-houseboats
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