Houseboats and Hurricanes - Do they Move or Transport Boats to Safety?
Houseboat and Hurricanes - move or transport to safety?
When it comes to houseboats and hurricanes, do they move or transport a house boats to safety? Like what do they do, or what do you do, with a houseboat if a hurricane comes?
My questions is, are there companies that will remove the boat and store it, or transport it to safe location if you are not currently at the boat?
Thanks for any help.
Reply - AnswerWelcome to the houseboat forums. When it comes to keeping houseboats safe throughout a hurricane, is surely a subject on many peoples minds.
Now depending on the size of houseboat that you have, if it was a smaller trailerable boat, you could easily arrange for someone to haul it to a safe location miles away.
Now if you have a much larger houseboat, this is where it gets much more difficult. If you could have someone you trust, you could navigate it to a location further inland and better protected.
As to having large houseboats hauled by road to a safer location, this is generally not done, and would be difficult to
coordinate. Every time that there is a potential hurricane in the forecast you would have to start the paperwork and procedures.
It's very unlikely that you would find a transport company to be on call should the weather turn bad, and this would be very cost prohibitive.
When it comes to houseboats and hurricanes, you want to have adequate insurance coverage, and the houseboat should be secured as best as possible. Anytime you leave a houseboat, you should always secure it as if there was a major storm coming tomorrow.
I am sure that this post will inspire other houseboaters to share tips and ideas about how they handle severe and major storms.
I always though that houseboats would be great for
emergency support, or base units for search and rescue operations.Lastly, hopefully some of our readers will share and post comments about their hurricane and houseboat experiences. Feel free to use the "Click here to post comments." link found near the bottom of this page.
Thanks again for sharing, IAN from all-about-houseboats
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