Houseboats and Electrical Storms - are lightning strikes safe on a house boat?
by Penny
(Port Credit, ON Canada)
Are electrical storms and lightning strikes safe on house boats?
My question is about houseboats and electrical storms, and wonder if we're safe on a house boat when lightening strikes while aboard or out on the lake?
I just read the comments regarding 'grounding' on houseboats. Quite reassuring. Up here in Ontario we get frequent but usually short-lived (what I call crash-banger) storms in summer, especially over water.
My husband wants a houseboat and my only objection is that no one has ever been able to tell me how to be safe from lightning on a lake.
So just to be reassured again, can I believe that as long as the wiring is properly connected to the bussbar (sp?) we are okay out on the water? Being connected to town power I get!
By the way, greetings from Canada on Canada Day. July 1, 2009. One hundred and forty-two years young.
Many thanks, Penny
Reply - AnswerWell Penny, you can rest assured that you are not alone when it comes to wondering about lightening strikes on houseboats while out on the lake.
The lightening strikes generally are directed towards ground (grounding), so you can eliminate plenty of the rare risk by working your way towards a secluded bay, out of harms way.
If strikes are happening nearby, try and keep folks away from metal like railings, ladders, etc... The odds of getting hit by lightening are as great winning the lottery, yet each have a different result.
As to my recommendation to you and your husband, take a
Safe Boating Course at a local Power Squadron, and don't let electrical storms keep you from getting a houseboat.
Lastly, hopefully some of our readers will share and post comments about their electrical storm experiences on their houseboats, and tips for handling lightening strikes. Feel free to use the "Click here to post comments." link found near the bottom of this page.
Thanks again for sharing, IAN from all-about-houseboats
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