Houseboat Water Toys - rubber inflatable dinghy & motor
by Ron Spence
(Port Haywood Va.)
Houseboat Dinghies - inflatable dinghy and motor
When it comes to the best houseboat water toys, my favorite has to be an inflatable dinghy and motor. It lets me be free to spend weeks on my houseboat going from place to place treasure hunting on the eastern seaboard & chesapeake bay, rivers and tributaries.
This is a favorite pastime unfortunately my previous one suffered from old age and uv damage and is no longer usable. Someday soon I hope to replace it.
Just my thoughts, Ron...
Reply - AnswerRon, thanks for sharing your thoughts about your inflatable dinghy and motor.
I totally agree with you that a dinghy can allow you to explore and spend extended times out at anchor.
I have had some great little dinghies and have a review about them here.LastlyHopefully our readers will share and post comments, tips, or experiences about their houseboat dinghies. Feel free to use the "Click here to post comments." link found near the bottom of this page.
Thanks again for sharing, IAN from all-about-houseboats
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