Houseboat Toilets - What's a good Head to use on House Boats?
So many choices for a marine head, or houseboat toilets.
When it comes to houseboat toilets, what is a good head to use onboard? We are purchasing a 2001, 50 foot houseboat and would like to get rid of the black water tank.
We have tried an Incinolet (incinerating toilet) of sorts, and it was not cost effective or worked as the instructions explained it would.
Would like some input on the subject. Thanks, MaryAnn.
Reply - AnswerWell MaryAnn, thanks for sharing your question with us, since it's not a exciting subject, yet is of primary importance when it comes to a achieving a great houseboating experience.
My first question would be why do you want to eliminate the black water tank? Is it defective, or creating an odor problem?
The reason I ask, is that the typical marine toilet or head that empties directly into a black water waste tank, and then pumped out when full, is one of the most popular, simple, common, and inexpensive choices available.
If you are looking at alternatives, you can have look at the
marine composting toilets for houseboats that some of our readers have.
When it comes to human waste, in reference to the boating industry, you have laws about the treatment or dumping of the waste. For a more in depth look at the Marine Sanitation Devices or MSD choices or alternatives, have a look at
Selecting A Sanitation System.There is also a good explanation about
Type 1, 2, 3 MSD (Marine Sanitation Devices) and it discusses the regulations and options available.
Lastly, hopefully some of our readers will share and post comments about their houseboat toilet or head choices and experiences. Feel free to use the "Click here to post comments." link found near the bottom of this page.
Thanks again for sharing, IAN from all-about-houseboats
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