Houseboat Tank Level Gauges - fresh water, holding tank sensors monitors?
by Phil
(Dale Hollow Lake, TN)
Houseboat Tank Level Gauges - fresh water and holding tanks
When it comes to houseboat gauges that monitor the level of grey water, freshwater, or holding tank levels, what types of sensors and monitors are best for older house boats?
I have an older houseboat (a 1981 Sumerset), and concerning my water holding tank, I have no way of knowing how much water is left in the tank.
Is there anything out there that can be adapted to the tanks so that I may have a gauge to know how much water I have left. I am looking for something that may not be way to expensive.
Thanks, Phil, Dale Hollow Lake, TN.
Reply - AnswerWell Phil, sorry to hear about your tank level situation, yet there is a solution available to help you know what the levels are in your tanks.
We've have mechanical and electronic tank level sensors, and we have had better long term performance with the newer electronic technology ones. Let's look at some solutions.
Types of Tank Level Sensors
If you look at tank sensors, you'll see that there are mechanical, and electronic level sensors
being used in the marine industry. With the advancement in technology, the price of the electronic level sensors have dropped tremendously and are commonly being used in fresh, grey, or holding tank applications.
Installation Tips and Tricks
The installation procedures are simple, it is just a matter of drilling a hole in the top of your tank, and inserting the appropriate level indicator. Than it is just a matter of running your indicator wires to your helm or monitor station. The electronic controlled indicators are adjustable for the size of tank height.
Find Tank Level Gauges and Monitors
If you're interested in DIY installation, you can find a very popular, yet inexpensive
Liquid Level Monitoring System
for @ $100 dollars, and they have the choice of individual or combination tank monitors.
Lastly, hopefully some of our readers will share and post comments about their houseboat tank level gauges and experiences. Feel free to use the "Click here to post comments." link found near the bottom of this page.
Thanks again for sharing, IAN from all-about-houseboats
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