Houseboat Sinking - our Floating Home has sprung a leak --HELP
by Anelly Matheson
(United States)
Our families 66 ft Floating Houseboat Home that we Love!
Our Houseboats Sinking, or I should say, our Floating Home has sprung a leak, and we need HELP.
We own a 66ft houseboat, floating house style, north of Clearwater. This is our home for our family of four - mom, dad, 2 young boys.
We have sprung a leak and cannot find anyone to help us in any way -- finding someone that can fix it, someone that can move it, and where we can dry dock it.
Our worse fear is that we can't afford to fix it, and don't know what to do -- sell it, fix it, or demo it?
Any Help or Ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Anelly.
Tip of the Month You can now install a simple & inexpensive system to watch out for high bilge water levels. So whether you’re sleeping, or away from the boat, or gone for the week, you can be notified of a
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Reply - AnswerWell Anelly, welcome to the houseboat forums, however I am sorry to hear about your troubles with your houseboat springing a leak.
Since you didn't share many details about what you mean about "springing a leak" I will venture to say that the hull is steel, and it is badly rusted and leaking from different areas, and in dire need of steel re-plating?
I truly believe in the power of the Internet, and that hopefully someone will read this, who is capable of handling such a job, or that they can put you in touch with someone who can.
If anyone has any ideas that could help this unique houseboat families situation, feel free to share your thoughts.
Lastly, hopefully some of our readers will share and post comments about their houseboat experiences. Feel free to use the "Click here to post comments." link found near the bottom of this page.
Thanks again for sharing, IAN from all-about-houseboats
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