Houseboat Security Safety Alarm Systems - remotely use surveillance to protect house boats
by Ian & Manon
Remotely Monitor your Houseboats Security and Safety
Houseboat security, safety, surveillance, or alarms systems allow you now to remotely keep an eye on your house boat, and also protect the investment that you have made.
Nowadays, it is now possible to remotely monitor (surveillance) with a computer, cellular phone, iPhone, or smartphone, all the many different aspects or areas of your houseboat.
When I was young and naive, I personally had a boat sink at the dock while I wasn't there. I know, I was young and naive, but in the back of my mind, I swore to myself that it would never happen again.
I had insurance, but what a hassle, and total waste of my time having to deal with insurance claims, adjusters, and the loss of a boat and the boating season. And even if your insured, you always lose some money on the settlement.
What can a Remote Surveillance System do for me?Now preventative maintenance is a good thing, however you can now go one step further by being proactively prepared for a potential disaster, financial loss, or unnecessary waste of your time.
Trouble areas are Theft, Sinking, Fire, Water, Break Ins, ...Statistics show that 80% of boats that sink at the dock usually happens when you're not there. The reasons could be due to faulty hoses, water pipes, low charger or battery voltages, thru hulls, outdrives, bilge pumps, and many other problem areas.
Sadly even in todays society, the odds or chances are extremely high of suffering financial loss, or wasting your precious time recovering from tragedies like being broken into, being vandalized, or even having boat or personal item theft.
Advancements in Computer and Cellular TechnologyWith all the recent advancements in technology lately, you can now easily monitor or control things like pumps, alarm systems, bilge water levels, high or freezing temperatures, fire detectors, lighting, appliances, webcams, cameras, and just about anything you want or need.
Naturally you can also use this technology to
watch your home, kids, business, store, employees, babysitters, housekeepers, nanny's, dogs, puppies, and just about anything that you want to monitor or control.
Where to Learn More?I wish I could write about the whole remote monitoring subject here, but it really is beyond the scope of things for a houseboat website. If you are at all intrigued, or want to know more about it, I highly recommend going to a great site that can show you how easy it is to implement a
home / business / house boat remote monitoring system for surveillance and control.Where to go to find Remote Monitoring Systems?#1 Like I said before, technology has really expanded and grown leaps and bounds, and the
remote monitoring home / business / boat security systems even calls you.

You maybe be more interested in a
wireless camera system,
or curious about a
boat / home automation system for remote access and control.
We have used a few of these ourselves, and the possibilities are endless.
#2 What kinds of systems and accessories are available you ask? If you're the type of person that likes to have the coolest, neatest, high-tech boat on the block (or dock), than you will want to look at Aqualarm for remote and monitoring accessories for house boats. There's all kinds of engine, bilge, water, fire, control panels, sensors, alarms, detectors, and accessories etc... Everything you need to make neighbors envious :)
Lastly, hopefully some of our readers will share and post comments about their houseboat security safety monitoring installations and experiences. Feel free to use the "Click here to post comments." link found near the bottom of this page.
IAN - from
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