Houseboat Sales Brochures - original photos, manuals, brochures available?
by Ben Murphy
(Oklahoma City, OK)
Any Burnscraft houseboat brochures or sales manuals available?
Looking to find a houseboat sales brochures, or if any original photos, manuals, or houseboat manufacturers brochure still available?
I have had three Burnscraft houseboats over the years and now have a 1976 43'. If anyone has photos or original sales brochures I am interested in buying them or getting color copies.
We boat on Lake Texoma on the Oklahoma side at Alberta Creek marina.
Thanks for any help, Ben
Reply - AnswerWell Ben, congratulations on your Burnscraft houseboats, and it looks in excellent shape.
When it comes to owners manual, photos, or a manufacturers sales brochures, you may find what you need on our
Houseboat Brochures page, or on our
Houseboat Manuals page.Lastly, hopefully some of our readers will share and post comments about their houseboat brochures and manuals. Feel free to use the "Click here to post comments." link found near the bottom of this page.
Thanks again for sharing, IAN from all-about-houseboats
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