Houseboat Maximum Capacity Horsepower Nameplate
by Ken Grosser
(Phoenix, AZ, USA)
A typical Maximum Capacity Horsepower nameplate
My insurance company is asking for the maximum horsepower rating on the hull nameplate.
I've seen this nameplate on ski boats and cruisers but never on houseboats.
Can you tell me if such a nameplate exists on houseboats?
Sincerely, Ken
Reply - AnswerKen, that's an interesting question, since my insurance company has never asked about the "Maximum Capacity plates". Come to think of it, I have never noticed this nameplate on any of our houseboats. There has always been a HIN plate (hull identification number) somewhere on the hull.
Possibly some of our readers can post comments letting us all know if they have a nameplate, and how their insurance companies handle this matter.
IAN - from
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