Houseboat Living - Winter Heating
Winter Houseboat Living Tips
We have a 45 ft Skipperliner Houseboat (not the boat in the picture) ----- what would be my options for heating for year round living here in Wisconsin.
Any help would be appreciated.
Reply - AnswerWell, living on a houseboat during the winter is not for the faint a heart. It is generally reserved for real houseboaters who would rather live on the water, than live on land.
You don't mention if the water freezes, so I will presume that it does in Wisconsin, USA. The usual
thermopump AC/Heating systems loose efficiency if they water goes below 35 degrees F. Some of the units come pre-installed with 1500 watt heater elements inside, and don't require lake water being pumped through them.
You could possibly use a
Diesel Heater or
Propane Cabin Heaters. One other choice would be 120 volt electrical heaters, however they draw 12-14 amps each multiplied by the number of 1500 watt heaters. Could be costly in terms of electricity.
If your looking for other ideas, be sure to have a look at our page on
Winter or Cold Climate Houseboat Living Tips.Hopefully some of our readers will share and post comments about their winter houseboat living experiences.
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