Houseboat Living for a Newcomer - can you live year round on house boats?
by JR
Year Round Houseboat Living - Live on House Boats?
Any tips for houseboat living for a newcomer? Can you live year round on house boats in winter?
I'm interested in buying a houseboat to live on, however I live in Maryland where the winters get very cold & wet.
Is is possible to keep a houseboat in the water all year round, & how would I maintain it.
This question or a similar question wasn't on your FAQ list.
Thanks, JR
Reply - AnswerWell JR, welcome to the houseboat forums, and sorry to hear you couldn't find any information on year round houseboat living.
You will find plenty of information on our site, simply use the search function which will access over 750 pages of tips, guides and articles for you.
If you're planning to live on your houseboat in a cold climate, you will have to insulate, and have appropriate heating capabilities on your boat.
One of the simplest ways is to actually drive around the marinas that are of interest too you, and speak to the houseboaters that are doing it now.
You may also find the following articles of interest to you:
Any winter or cold climate houseboat living tips?Insulating for year around houseboat living.Houseboat Living - Winter Heating Tips.Lastly, hopefully some of our readers will share and post comments about their year round houseboat living experiences. Feel free to use the "Click here to post comments." link found near the bottom of this page.
Thanks again for sharing, IAN from all-about-houseboats
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