Houseboat Insurance Prices - beware of low rate policy cost comparisons
by Bob
(Lake Hickory, NC)
Houseboat Insurance Prices - compare apples with apples!
When it comes to houseboat insurance prices, try and beware of low rate comparisons among policy costs. I am insured with Nationwide, and in searching for a better rate for houseboat insurance, Allstate told me they were cheaper, and they were.
However, they wanted an inspection certificate from a licensed marine surveyor for the boat in order to issue a marine policy for the house boat.
The marine inspection survey would cost me over $1,000 dollars. Needless to say, I stayed with Nationwide. When it comes to houseboat insurance, I guess it's Buyer Beware!
Capt Bob from the Queen Merry.
Reply - AnswerWell Capt Bob, your story definitely brought home an important fact when simply comparing marine insurance rates for houseboats. You have to look at all the details, and compare apples with apples.
Like you said, the requirement to have a marine surveyor do an inspection would have made the changing insurance companies not very cost effective.
When it comes to tips to help
boaters insure their houseboats, you have to look at the smaller details, and what is being covered on the policy.
Lastly, hopefully some of our readers and visitors will share and post comments about their houseboat insurance rate prices, comparisons, and experiences. Feel free to use the "Click here to post comments." link found near the bottom of this page.
Thanks again for sharing, IAN from all-about-houseboats
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