Houseboat Gray Water - treat or filter grey water on house boats?
by James Copeland
(South Australia)
Houseboat Gray Water - filtration of grey water on house boats
New laws for houseboat gray water, or to treat or filter grey water on house boats are coming into effect in the near future.
I have a fleet of houseboats in Australia, and we will be required to filter or treat our gray water systems very soon.
Does anyone have any information about any grey water filtration or treatment systems for house boats in the USA?
Any help is greatly appreciated, James...
Reply - AnswerWell James, sorry to hear about your difficulties on finding information on suitable water treatment systems for your fleet of boats.
In North America the laws don't require you to treatment your grey water ( or gray water) yet, but I am sure that it is in the pipeline (so to speak).
The only information that I can give you would be the following company Ocean Kleen, and they appear to be in your part of the world :)
If any of our readers have any information that could help, feel free to post your comments.
Lastly, hopefully some of our readers will share and post comments about their experiences with their grey water treatment systems on their houseboats. Feel free to use the "Click here to post comments." link found near the bottom of this page.
Thanks again for sharing, IAN from all-about-houseboats
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