Houseboat friendly communities on Florida east coast?
Where are the Florida Houseboat Communities?
Where are the houseboat friendly communities on Florida east coast? What if someone wanted to buy docked lot with access to ICW Intracoastal Waterway & liveaboard?
Any place where others are already doing that in Florida? (not interested in landlocked lakes)
Thanks for any help.
Reply - AnswerYou are not alone, since many others are interested in the houseboat live aboard lifestyle.
You can have a look at our
Florida marina section to get some names and numbers to see if it's possible there.
Lastly, hopefully some of our readers will share and post comments about their Florida houseboat living aboard experiences and communities.
Feel free to use the "Click here to post comments." link found near the bottom of this page.
Thanks again for sharing, IAN from all-about-houseboats
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