Houseboat Driving Lessons - learn how to park, dock, and drive houseboats
by Peter and Kimberly
(Michigan, USA)
How to Learn How to Park, Drive and Dock my Houseboat
I just bought my first single engine 45 foot houseboat and I am really happy with my purchase. The only problem so far is the hesitation and fear I have about taking it in and out for a ride.
I hate only staying parked at the dock while others are out riding around even when it's windy. The marina where I park the boat is mostly filled with smaller day cruiser boats, so asking for any tips or help hasn't provided me with much good information.
And that brings me to another big point is that it's rather snug around the marina when it comes time to go to the gas dock, pump out service area, going thru the break-wall at the marina entrance, or even putting her back into her slip.
Is there anywhere to take lessons, or books to help me learn to drive and park this fantastic new houseboat? It would probably make my wife feel better if I had some confidence in handling this boat every time we go out.
Any help would be appreciated, Peter and Kimberly from Michigan.
Reply - AnswerWell Peter and Kimberly, welcome to the site and you are not alone, as I have received hundreds of email from folks just like you looking to learn how to drive and park their houseboats.
The major difference with houseboats in comparison to smaller cruiser express type boats is the lack of prop size and the extra windage from the sheer physical size.
The wind, current, size, and limited visibility are some of the major factors that make it difficult for beginners to dock their boats in total confidence.
Personally I have given many free private lessons to people (new houseboat captains) who were willing to pay large sums of money to learn it all. I would not take any money for my time, yet food and drink was always welcome... :)
Great News - there's a complete guide for you!There is now some excellent news for all of you new houseboaters that would love to learn all tips and tricks that would like to learn how to completely maneuver your large boats.
There is now a
unique HOW TO book for docking your houseboat available from one of the renowned boat captains that I know.
He takes the frightening horror stories away from new boaters, and converts them into confident captains that are looking forward to any opportunity to take their houseboats out for a ride.
I have read the book myself and found that he takes it piece by piece, and shows you step by step how to easily handle any single engine houseboat, all for less than the price of dinner.
I am now personally recommending this e-book as the best and simply the easiest way to learn a wealth of information that would likely take you a lifetime to learn. So stop waiting, and start really enjoying your houseboat now. And the book comes with a money back guarantee.

Learn how to dock like a Pro!!!You maybe interested in other great educational
houseboat books and
houseboat videos and dvd's available.
Lastly, hopefully some of our readers and visitors will share and post comments about their beginner houseboat docking experiences.
Feel free to use the "Click here to post comments." link found near the bottom of this page.
Thanks again for sharing, IAN from all-about-houseboats
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