The houseboat classifieds with free ads where you sell, buy, anything boat related
The houseboat classifieds are the perfect place for buyers and sellers to buy or sell houseboats, products, and services. Our free houseboat classified ads section is one of the best the places for everything related to the houseboating industry.
Our Free Classifieds is The Right Place to Find, or Sell your Houseboat!
With over 1/2 million yearly visitors and constantly growing, our houseboat classifieds offer a highly targeted traffic source. The free classifieds offer you a simple solution for buyers and sellers to meet.
Update: Read our Buyer Tips and our Seller Tips beforehand.
Become a Knowledgable Boat Buyer
The Basics on Screening Houseboat Classifieds
Here are some of the common things to keep in mind while scanning the classifieds. It doesn't matter if you want to buy a small or large one, or a standard or luxury houseboat, the same screening principles will apply.
The Psychology of Selling is different from a Buying Psychology. The Seller wants to SELL, and will sometimes write their ad in a very enticing way in order to get potential visitors. Sometimes they will unknowingly omit vital information (or problems) that should be disclosed to the potential buyer right from the beginning, however if they did, it might jeopardize getting the appointment.
The high price is because it's just LIKE NEW syndrome. Let's say you're looking for a 10 yr old boat, you're fully aware that it's no longer new. You know it has wear & tear, has depreciated, and may need small repairs. So be on the look-out for signs of a seller glorifying it, or having "just like new fantasies" and thinking that it's worth double market value. Let's be honest, we all know, a 10 yr old boat, is a 10 yr old boat.
Decide all your WANT & NEED items before starting out. By deciding which "options" that you definitely can't do without, you will save yourself time by not visiting unsuitable houseboats. Example, if you want a newer aluminum houseboat with a Flybridge, there's no point in visiting an older wooden single helm model.
Buying Locally or From Far is a factor to consider. With today's fuel prices, the expense of moving or transporting a houseboat can be costly. Moving them by river requires planning, time, fuel, expenses and a crew.
Having a Plan or Checklist is crucial in achieving your goal of finding your dream Houseboat. It will help to focus directly on suitable houseboats and eliminate the time and money wasters. That's why we assembled a simple free Pre-Visit Checklist to help you get started.
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The 10 Questions you want to Ask?
You're excited about finding and buying a houseboat, and I can truly understand, but with a little preparation in advance, you will reap big dividends in the long run.
Better off to Plan Now, than Pay Later! Is a Recent Marine Survey available, and can you see/get a copy?
Recent photographs are a good way to visualize or eliminate boats.
Engine & Generator Hours and who does the yearly maintenance
How long it's been For Sale can be a good indicator of market price.
Are Liens and Title free and clear, since this is important information.
Any major accidents or sank, can help to avoid future problems
Why are they selling can often bring out hidden problems or reasons.
Is a Sea Trial possible should you make a potential conditional offer?
What are they leaving behind, and what are they taking off the boat?
Is the price negotiable can show you if they're serious about selling.
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Sources for Houseboat Classifieds Ads
If you're looking for a houseboat for sale, you can try the classified ads, or the houseboat auction links below:
All about Houseboats - Houseboat Classified Ads
Houseboat Auctions - Try and Bid on an Auction.
You'd like to be added here, please feel free to contact me directly.
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The Who & What of Marine Surveys
If you're contemplating a houseboat purchase, I would recommend getting access to a recent survey, if not, at least having your own survey done. Surveys are becoming a requirement for Loan and Insurance companies. They also have an additional value to a perspective buyer in showing the boat condition, current value, and to identify any necessary repairs.
Marine Survey Cost can vary but a ballpark figure is @ 10-30$ foot, and depends on the extent of inspection needed. A survey will give you an indication of the current value, condition, and seaworthiness of the boat, therefore a survey can be extremely beneficial in all stages of either purchasing, financing, or insuring. You can save yourself some money by following the Houseboat Buying Guide before calling in a professional surveyor.
Survey Advantages are that for a low-cost the purchaser/owner can know the value, condition, seaworthiness of a boat, and can use this information while financing, purchasing, or insuring a vessel.
Find a qualified Marine Surveyor by visiting the organizations below.
- NAMS Global Marine Surveyors
- SAMS Marine Surveyors
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As a free Bonus Offer for you, get a Pre-Visit Checklist & online Magazine
I know what it's like to search for a good houseboat to buy, so we decided that it would be useful to have the Pre-Visit Checklist, and that all our readers have
access to our Houseboat Insider magazine.Both are extremely valuable to have since the Checklist helps organize all the details about each houseboat visit. The Houseboat Insider is filled with Tips, Updates, Articles, Reviews, and valuable Discounts.
The Checklist is designed to help you with all the details, equipment, and information about house boats you visit. |  |
The Houseboat INSIDER is filled with handy Tips, Updates, Articles, Reviews, and valuable Discounts.
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It sounds like a Win-Win combination for you, don't wait, sign up now. After you subscribe to The Houseboat Insider magazine, you will receive a confirmation email with the link on where to download our Checklist.
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Our last most valuable tip is...
Buying a boat is like buying a home. You wouldn't buy a house without an in depth knowledge of real estate contracts, a home building inspector, a notary or lawyer, and a vast array of other skills and talents? So why would you buy a boat without knowing what to do, and what to look for?
That's why I recommend this book as excellent reading. It's the quickest and easiest way to get a great understanding of the whole process, and save yourself plenty of money and headaches at the same time.
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