First Year Houseboating - the 1st year stories after buying a houseboat
by Kim LaChance
(Bullhead City, Arizona)
The first year experiences after buying a houseboat.
After our first year of houseboating, here's our stories and experiences about the 1st year after buying our houseboat. We are first year houseboaters and we recently got a slip in the marina here in Bullhead City, Arizona on Lake Mohave.
We have been boaters for years, but not one this size or a houseboat (14'X 52'). We were backing out of our slip and the wind came up and turned us sideways...we ended up sideways in our slip.
Good thing there were two empty slips next to us and hopefully no one seen us screw up so badly!!! No one thought to get a picture. We laugh about it now, and know everyone new to boating has a cute experience to tell.
Just my thoughts, Kim from Arizona.
Reply - AnswerWell Kim, welcome to the houseboat forums, and congratulations on surviving your 1st year houseboating experiences. It just gets easier as the years go on :)
You seem to have bought yourselves a great looking houseboat, and plenty big from what I can see. I hope you enjoy the future years on it...
Lastly, hopefully some of our readers will share and post comments about their 1st year houseboat stories and experiences. Feel free to use the "Click here to post comments." link found near the bottom of this page.
Thanks again for sharing, IAN from all-about-houseboats
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