Drawbacks to Houseboat Hull Materials - aluminum, fiberglass, and steel boats
by Larry
(Chattanooga, TN.)
Houseboat Hulls- sample of aluminum boat construction
Houseboat Hulls- sample of fiberglass boat construction
Houseboat Hulls- sample of steel boat construction
I'm looking to buy a used houseboat and am looking for some in-depth information on the various hull materials.
What are the "drawbacks or downsides" to buying a steel hulled used houseboat verses aluminum or fiberglass? I see that there are big price variations depending on the hull construction material.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, Larry.
Reply - Answer
Well Larry, congratulations on your decision to buy a used houseboat. As you probably have seen, prices of used houseboats can vary greatly depending on the construction material.
If you were to look at the current market, you will see that aluminum construction is becoming the norm for houseboat materials. Second place has to go to fiberglass hulls. In third place is steel houseboats, follow by wood which is basically extinct.
As to the
drawbacks or disadvantages of each houseboat hull material, this article on our site will really give you all the information to make an educated buying decision.
If I was going to purchase a used houseboat, I would be looking at buying an aluminum or fiberglass boat.
A steel houseboat would not really be on my radar unless I had the time, money, an acceptable marine survey, an insurance policy, and lastly a marina willing to accept the boat.
Lastly, hopefully some of our readers and visitors will share and post comments about the various houseboat material experiences and tips.
Feel free to use the "Click here to post comments." link found near the bottom of this page.
Thanks again for sharing, IAN from all-about-houseboats
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