Convert or add an RV travel trailer to simple cheap pontoon house boats?
by Mike
Convert a RV travel trailer to a pontoon houseboat - barge hull
Is it possible make some pontoon house boats out of converting a travel trailer, to be like RV houseboat trailers?
Could it be as simple as adding pontoons to, or setting a travel trailer on top of pontoon houseboats, barge, or other type hull?
Thanks, Mike.
Reply - AnswerWell Mike, I can see your idea behind adding a pre-made mobile home, or RV Trailer onto a barge style pontoon houseboat. It would definitely reduce the cost, difficulty, and building time.
Now, as to getting it all approved or certified by the Coast Guard, that you would have to make some inquiries on your end.
If you look into state laws regarding the approval, certification process of either a "floating home" or "self-propelled" houseboat status, do let us know. I'm sure that there's others that would like to know.
For further reading on the subject, there's been a previous article on the same subject,
Anyone ever converted a RV Travel Trailer into a Houseboat?I don't think that all of this will become a new trend for the houseboat building industry, but I can see the possibilities for someone who wants to have a floating home, base camp for fishing, anchored or moored in a bay, style of inexpensive pontoon houseboat. Do keep us posted.
Lastly, hopefully some of our readers will share and post comments about their
RV Trailer - Pontoon House Boats building experiences. Feel free to use the "Click here to post comments." link found at the bottom of this page.
Thanks again for sharing,IAN from all-about-houseboats
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