Complaints while Anchoring or Mooring our Houseboat
by Carl
Complaints from Anchoring Houseboat near Island and Bays
We get complaints while mooring or anchoring our houseboat. Is there a rule of thumb or specific law regarding where to anchor a houseboat? There is a large area on Okaloosa Island where I would like to keep my houseboat but get complaints wherever I go.
I need to know if I have any rights as to where I can anchor my houseboat.
Thanks for any help, Carl
Reply - AnswerCarl, that's an interesting question, since I'm not aware of any laws or restrictions regarding anchoring your houseboat. There is a difference between short-term and long-term anchoring though.
We have traveled to different areas and have never really been bothered, however we have been places where we could tell that the waterfront property owners weren't overly excited that we had anchored near their properties.
If I were you I would have a quick chat with your local Power Squadron, Coast Guard, or local Authorities to see what they have to say about it.
Lastly, hopefully some of our other readers will post comments on some of their specific experiences from their areas.
IAN - from
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