Classic Houseboat Insurance - how to insure or find insurance for boats
by Ray Russell
(Martinsville, IN. (for now))
Classic Houseboats - how to insure or find insurance
I am in the process of buying a 45' 1968 Tucker houseboat so I read with interest all the "horror stories" about some folks not being able to find a company to insure them.
Last night I went online to
Boat US Insurance
and filled in the forms and sent it off to them. This morning, I had a response from BOAT US that pending the surveyors report, they would indeed insure this boat.
I have no fear that this boat will pass the surveyors findings and report. This policy will be full coverage with hull value at $71,000. There are many liability add on's that I hadn't thought of that are included with a little over 1/2 million in enviromental spillage liability.
The policy is a little pricey but if you want to dance, you have to pay the fiddler. Boating ain't exactly cheap but it's worth it. For those of you who are in need, you may want to contact them. Best of luck to you all, Ray.
Reply - AnswerWell Ray, first let me say congratulations on purchasing a fine classic houseboat. I had a chance to visit a few of these, and they were very well built and can handle the lakes and rivers extremely well.
I am glad to hear about your success in getting your houseboat insured, as
Boat US is an excellent choice
for getting the boat insured and ready for the water. As you mentioned, a current positive survey is usually essential in obtaining insurance.
Lastly, hopefully some of our readers and visitors will share and post comments about their houseboat insurance or insuring experiences.
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Thanks again for sharing, IAN from all-about-houseboats
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