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Catamaran aqua cruiser

by Jeanie
(Arkansas )

I have a 1995 catamaran aqua cruiser 14x48. It has 80 gallon black water holding tank that is located in one of the fiberglass pontoon. I have owned this boat for 9 years and recently started having a horrible smell in my black water tank. I have been using the same chemical treatment. I’ve been trying to check on possible causes and read that there may be something in the vent. Can anyone please tell me where this vent might be located? We have looked everywhere and can’t find. The only opening is the pump out hole on the side. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Vent location?
by: Anonymous

Did you ever find it? I have the same problem and question. Thanks

reply to vent issue
by: Anonymous

I have a 1991 Aqua Cruiser and just changed out my gray tank to a 100 gal. Sometime the vent is located just above the tank itself or very close to the tank. I would also look between your 2 pontoon. If that doesn't work call the company.

ordor with holding tanks
by: Anonymoussue

I recommend adding Dawn dish soap to the tanks.
It is a great degreaser.
I use the order chemical at walmart and put about
1 1/2 cups of dawn in my 100 gallon tank.
this will keep the sensors and tanks clean.
do this every time you have it pumped out.
It works!

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