Building your Own Houseboat - Permits, Laws, & Regulations?
(Apalachicola, Florida)
Building a Houseboat in Florida, any Laws or Permits?
I am thinking of building a houseboat, 10 miles up river from Apalachicola, Florida.
It would be a small houseboat, simply 25 feet long, by 10 feet wide, with no motor.
What are the laws or regulations, and do I need any permits?
Reply - AnswerWell, that's a good question since the regulations and requirements can vary between different states.
I would suggest to check with your local boating authorities to see what the current requirements and regulations are regarding getting a stationary, none motorized, "homemade or homebuilt houseboat" approved.
Lastly, hopefully some of our readers will share and post comments about their houseboat permits and regulation experiences.
Thanks for sharing, IAN from all-about-houseboats
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