Building your own houseboat - any houseboat kits available?
Building your own houseboat,kits ready for assembly.
I am thinking of building my own houseboat, and wondering if there's any houseboat kits available?
Would like to find a source for any houseboat kits, this might be easier or quicker than starting from scratch.
Reply - AnswerWell, thanks for your question about a source for houseboat kits. You don't mention what style or size houseboat that you would like to build?
If you're looking for an aluminum pontoon houseboat kit, then I would recommend going to
u-fabboats since they have different size kits available, ranging from small, medium, and large kits.
The large ones go from 12 ft to 20 ft wide, and the length goes from 30 feet up to 60 feet long.
They make pontoons diameters from 30" inches all the way up to 60" in diameter. They also have a chart that
shows the weight capacity that different length & diameter pontoons can handle. The weight capacity is important in order to build a balanced boat.
I remember reading that they have different options for the upper house structure to make things easier. You could then finish off the interior to your specs and taste.
As to other sources for house boat kits, I'm not aware of other names to give you, but hopefully other readers will comment with alternative company names.
Lastly, hopefully some of our readers will share and post comments about their houseboat kit building experiences. Feel free to use the "Click here to post comments." link found at the bottom of this page.
Thanks again for sharing, IAN from all-about-houseboats
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