Building Materials for Houseboats - Composite panels, exterior walls & roof
by Joe Austin
(Mountain Home, AR)
Houseboat Building - exterior composite panels for walls?
I'm building a houseboat, and am looking at my choices for exterior materials, like composite panels for the walls or roof?
Does anyone have any input as to where we might find information on composite walls for building a houseboat.
It does not have to be only aluminum composite, it can be any type of lightweight composite panels.
Thanks, God Bless, Joe Austin
Reply - AnswerWell Joe, congratulations on building a houseboat. I hope that you're taking photo's and documenting as you go, since we all love to see pictures, and hear about building tips.
Now regarding information on "exterior composite panels", unfortunately I don't have any specific technical details or specs, but I've heard that some of the houseboat manufacturers are using fiberglass, aluminum, PVDF, polyethylene, polyester, or synthetic based panels for walls and roofs.
In comparison to typical marine plywood, fiberglass,
or aluminum siding exteriors, the results seems to show that composite panels are durable, lightweight, long lasting, easy to install, low maintenance, and structurally strong. I see that they make composite panels in a wide variety of shades and colors.
Price wise, it's probably more money than the typical standard exterior wall construction materials presently used, however when you factor in all the benefits and advantages, I'm sure in the long run, cost wise, just the life span of composite panels alone, will pay for themselves many times over.
I know that if we were building a houseboat, and if my wife and I had to choose, we would go for composite panels, since my wife doesn't care about all the technical details, she just wants a houseboat that looks good, and that is easy to wash and keep clean. :)
Lastly, hopefully some of our readers will share and post comments and information about their houseboat building, composite panel experiences.
Thanks again Joe for sharing, IAN from all-about-houseboats
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