Bilge Water Level Alarm System for Houseboats: monitor and be notified of your bilge water level
Houseboating is one of life's great pastimes, yet there are some responsibilities that need to be addressed. Statistics show that far too many boats actually sink (from water intrusion), which causes huge amounts of emotional distress & financial losses to boat owners everywhere.

Dangerous and disastrous water leaks happen to boats all to often
Common Causes of Boat Sinking's
Boat sinking's can happen from multiple factors such as hull damage, defective transom/drive seals, frozen/broken thru-hulls, and plumbing leaks from connected city water pressure to just name a few.
bilge pump failures
broken, leaky thru-hulls
transom & drive seals
accident & hull damage
high pressure city water
interior plumbing leaks
Sinking or Sunk Houseboats are BAD
When I was young, I personally & unfortunately suffered the emotional pain & financial loss of having a boat sink while at the dock. Even if you have insurance, no one "wins" when such a devastating mishap happens. The loss of time, money, and damage to the boating season is irreplaceable. Be "proactive" and protect yourself...

Sinking, or sunk houseboats are really a BAD thing
Here's a Bilge Water Level Alarm System
With the advancements of technology, and some smart engineering designs, you can now easily & inexpensively monitor the water level in your boat's bilge. You monitor 24/7, and can me notified of any impending water disaster BEFOREHAND and react proactively.
The SIMPLEST Alarm System to Install
If you are fairly handy around the house, you could easily install this system yourself in under an hour. Even if you are NOT handy around the house, you could easily have your local marina mechanic install this in no time (low cost). It works on 12v DC, or with your boats 120v AC power.

The Bilge Water Level Alarm System for Houseboats
Get an Insurance Premium Reduction?
Marine insurance companies often offer discounts or reductions to insurance premiums for a multitude of safety, experience, or installed alarm systems. Call your insurance company to see what discount can be applied, and have the alarm system basically cost you nothing. It's a Win-Win situation for everyone.
Tell me more about the system...?
In my personal opinion,
EVERY houseboat should have one of these installed. It is such a simple, yet a crucial part of every captains "tool box" for a great piece of mind (and safety for the whole family).
Show me how easy it is to get started.
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