Bigger Houseboat, how to convince my husband?
by Maya
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Buying a larger houseboat to live aboard
How to convince my husband to buy a bigger houseboat! Here's my situation, we're already living on a housboat for a few years and it's a great lifestyle.
This in reality becomes our floating house, however lately I want to upgrade to a BIGGER houseboat and possibly buy a new houseboat with at the new amenities and options.
My husband always ask me why? I tell him that as a woman I just need more space, and I'm sure many woman here will understand me. I need my own space, and my own corner, not only the "kitchen".
I know a bigger houseboat is more money, more in dock fees, more money for fuel, but what the hell we only have one life to live, and heck, it's our floating house.
My husband always says you should be lucky you have a houseboat, doesn't matter what you have, at least we have a houseboat. I truly love my husband, but this is a big issue with us right now.
Can you help me with ideas on how to convince my husband to buy a bigger houseboat?
Thank you, Houseboat Girl
Reply - AnswerThat's an excellent question Houseboat Girl since a large majority of houseboat owners are
couples or families.
It sounds like you are itching for a bigger boat, and the easiest way is to touch your husbands emotional side. By that I mean the side of your husband that "wants" the toys and options like electric anchors, fly bridge, bigger engine room, tool and parts storage, dinghy davits, etc...
You have to fire up the "Boys and their Toys" side of the male brain.
Get a Bigger BoatIf you manage to persuade your husband to get a bigger boat, you now have to decide wether you want a new boat with all the new "bells and whistles" OR if your budget is more inclined towards a used houseboat.
If you are looking for NEW boat, we can
help you with a new houseboat quote.
If you are looking for a USED boat, we can
help you to find a used houseboat.
Lastly, hopefully some of our readers and visitors will share and post comments about how you can get your husband to decide to buy a bigger houseboat.
Feel free to use the "Click here to post comments." link found near the bottom of this page.
Thanks again for sharing, IAN from all-about-houseboats
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