Average houseboat fuel consumption numbers
by Joe
(Miami, Florida)
What's the average houseboat fuel consumption numbers
Have been seeking information on various or average houseboat fuel consumption numbers at cruising speed. I am looking for houseboat fuel consumption in the 35' to 45' range.
I am aware of various factors that could affect consumption. I am looking for real life experiences for houseboaters that have taken extended cruises.
Thank You, Joe
Reply - AnswerWell Joe, I have always heard people mention that houseboats get @ 1/2 to 1 mile per gallon (MPG).
To give you some of our real life gallon per hour numbers, a 45 foot aluminum barge style houseboat with a single 3.0 Liter 4 cylinder gas engine, and it would burn @ 2 gallons per hour (GPH), and do @ 6-7 knots (7-8 MPH), running at @ 2500 RPM.
Definitely not neck breaking, however at this speed you could chat together, eat a sandwich, and enjoy the scenery all at the same time :)
A previous houseboat was a Gibson style and it had twin 4.3 liter V6's, and we would burn @ 10-12 gallons per hour, running at 3200 RPM, and were planing at @ 16 knots (18 MPH). I found that at that speed you really have to keep an eye on what's ahead, and floating or submerged debris :(
Possibly some of our readers are interested in reducing their houseboats fuel consumption, or getting more mileage per tank of fuel, than have a look at our
most popular Houseboat Mileage Tips.Lastly, hopefully some of our readers will share and post comments about their real-life houseboat FUEL CONSUMPTION or mileage numbers.
Feel free to use the "Click here to post comments." link found near the bottom of this page.
Thanks again for sharing, IAN from all-about-houseboats
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