Any Replacement Tinted Windows for Houseboats
by Ron
(Concord, CA)
A sample of tinted replacement windows for houseboats.
Looking for replacement windows for a houseboat?
I want to replace my houseboat windows with double pane dark tinted windows.
I want to use the old "rough hole" openings. The windows have 90 degree corners. Who supplies this type of windows?
Thanks, Ron.
Reply - AnswerWell Ron, when it comes to replacement windows for your houseboat, it may be difficult to find the exact size windows in inventory or on the shelf.
Most likely you will have to have them made to your specifications and requirements. There is an article on our site that discusses where to go
for Houseboat - RV style windows and doors.Be sure to let us know how it all works out for you, since there's many houseboaters out there that would love to replace their windows with double pane tinted models.
Lastly, hopefully some of our readers will share and post comments about their houseboat window & door replacement experiences.
Thanks again for sharing, IAN from all-about-houseboats
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