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Any ideas who built these Trailerable Houseboats?

by Jack
(Athens, Texas)

Any ideas as to who built these trailerable houseboats?

Any ideas as to who built these trailerable houseboats?

I am trying to figure out what kind of trailerable houseboat this is? I have very little information about it other than a picture. It was registered in 1979 and left to sit in the woods.

Basically I can describe it, and I hope someone has an idea who built these so that I can look up more information. It's powder blue, and it has a really big engine, and it says Mercruiser on the wheel house.

It's hull is one big fiberglass shell, and it looks more like a tub boat then anything.

Let me know if any old timers have a clue as to what houseboat manufacturer I would even search to find out more about these boats.

Thanks, Dr Jack

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Reply - Answer
Well Dr Jack, to help you get started, I would need to mention that "Mercruiser" is the type of engine that it has.

Possibly you could get the serial number from the engine and see if Mercruiser Mercury Marine dealer can help you find which houseboat manufacturer bought these engines. It's possible that it was a replacement engine that was put in afterwards.

I'm not sure which brand or make, or who built these houseboats, but possibly the "past" houseboat manufacturers list will help to narrow down some of the builders.

Lastly, hopefully some of our readers will know for sure, and they will share and post comments about which model of houseboat this is?

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Comments for Any ideas who built these Trailerable Houseboats?

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Cobia Mini Yacht
by: Anonymous

It’s a Cobia Mini Yacht houseboat

Here’s the Answer to your search
by: Franco

It is indeed a late 60’s Hurricane, model name is Flagship, very peculiar hull share, barge type, totally different from the ones suggested until now. Hull was modified by Anchor Plastics in Texas, where they used the modified hull (they basically only eliminated the strakes) to build their Deck Boat models

response to inquirer
by: Anonymous

This boat looks like Adventure Craft, easy maneuverable boat and beautiful command bridge, about a couple of years ago I was tried to purchase one, but no new available i got in touched with builder he told me he will resume
building again but never did.

Cobia mobile mini yacht find
by: Anonymous

Found a Cobia noble mini yacht in the "woods". Going to look at it this weekend with the owner. What are they worth? Ballpark?

by: Anonymous

Cindy, I Know you said you have one, But the boat in the picture is Not A Mobile Mini-Yacht, The MMYs have a deep hull (boat in picture has shallow hull) The MMYs have 2 windows on the side (boat in picture has 3) the MMYs roof and upper section was formed as a single piece of fiberglass (boat in picture has separate upper roof section) The MMYs have a faux smoke stack on top to simulate a tug boat look (the boat in picture has nothing that resembles a tug at all).I have copies of the original brochure's and access (my Dad) to the designer and builder of the MMY so know it pretty well. Dad say's it definitely is NOT one of his MMYs.

Cobia Mini Yacht
by: Cindy

Yes, this is a Cobia mini yacht. I have a 1969. Would like to get the Mercruiser and wheel house put back in

by: Susan

This looks like an old houseboat that we had that was built in the 70s it was a Trident houseboat. I wish I could attach photos!

Adventure craft
by: Mike

602 692 6564
Adventure Craft houseboat "Your cabin at Bartlett Lake". Very good condition. Enjoy this COVID summer as boat is on the water in a lovely shaded covered slip F21 on Bartlett Lake Marina, which is open for business. Yamaha 150 outboard. Has an upper flybridge and the elevated skybridge is great for picnics and napping. Depthfinder, anchor, AC/sink/port-potty.sleeping setup. Roof Air Conditioning. AdventureCraft is a towable houseboat and it comes with a trailer.
Check out this youtube on the Adventure Craft houseboat:

MMY forsale
by: Kathleen

update. i have contacted texas marine board and got info on the registration numbers on my mini yacht that i bought, that was in texas. registration says 1968 hurricane.

by: Jeff Barney

Micky, I didn't think it is a Cobia, especially since I have a Floatel that looks identical to it. It is possible that these houseboats were made by one company and relabeled/marketed by some other companies. My boat has a "Floatel" emblem on the side although the title says it's a "Flotel". The emblem also says "AMP, Ashley Molded Products, Ashley Indiana". I wonder why there are so many claims that it is a Cobia; I suppose it may be speculation based on similar shape.

Cobia MMY
by: Micky

Jeff,The MMY doesn't look like the boat in the woods picture,Cobia never made a hull that looked like that,Cobias hull is much deeper and they were all the same except for inboard or outboard driven.I would attach a picture if I knew how.

by: Anonymous

It’s a Cabia houseboat

MMY weight
by: David Soule

The factory brochure says the MMY weighs 3800 lbs. The twin axle trailer our was was titled at 1800 lbs for a combined weight of 5600 lbs.

1972 Floatel
by: Jeff Barney

Micky, did those Cobias look at all like the one from Texas? My Floatel looks exactly like the one from Texas in the pic, except mine has a flybridge. But then, the pic cuts off the top of the houseboat so it wouldn't show the flybridge if it did have one. Mine is titles a 1972 Floatel. Also, did ANY of the Cobias look like these Floatels?

by: Micky

The boat in the woods (now in Oregon) is not a Cobia MMY. Like I said in previous post I was there in the Cobia factory when my dad Bill Burkett designed and built the first few MMYs in 1969 and 1970. There was never a prototype that was on a hull like that,the built it on a hull they allready produced and all of them were on that hull,the only option was an inboard or an outboard.

MMY firsale
by: Kathleen

we have decided to sell our cobia mini yacht. It is the one pix in woods in texas. We now have it here in oregon. email listed forsale on Oregon coast craiglist.

by: Anonymous

anyone know how much these weigh

by: Anonymous

Where would be the vin number? Think this boat in Oregon now

by: kathleen

do internet search for cobia houseboat.

by: kathleen

it was one of six prototypes and the only one left of its kind from what I know I think it was a prototype for the Cobia mini yacht that was built in 1970 there is a museum in Michiga here's the specs the trailer was built custom for the boat when it was made

by: Anonymous

Mickey burcett l own a24ft cobia trhull houseboat you were asking about 1970 neat little houseboat we are going to sell it runs great kept in ex shape 3075276008 love to here from you cobia told me they only made 100 of these rox Evans

Micky, call me if you'd like to have our MMY
by: David Soule

Hey Micky,
We have decided to sell our Cobia MMY. I'd like to see you get it since it came from your family.
Interested Please write daviedoall at

Micky, call me if you'd like to have our MMY
by: David Soule

Sorry not to have checked back sooner to see that you are on here. We have a MMY that is available if you are interested.
It has a finished shower booth behind the dinette. Very original but needs restoration.
It is in Jerome, Az. if that isn't too far away for you. Id like to sell it to you as the son of the designer. These boats are so cute.. everybody loves it. There should be a Muppet movie starring a Cobia MMY !!
My number is 928-300-7927

Floa-Tel Trailerable Houseboat
by: Bud Seymour

YES I would love to have more photos of the Floa-Tel like I have. I'm missing the aft area engine hatch cover. I see a few other owners VACHOT in comments section bout can't figure out how to contact them from this web site.

I have posted my boat on the Classic Traileravle Housboats in Yahoo Groups and Traierable houseboats on Face Book. I hope to make contact so I can get the info to restore mine. Thanks!

Floa-Tel Trailerable Houseboat
by: Bud Seymour

Hi Jack,
I own one and it still has the name tag on the boat over the front door.

Mine is about 23' long and 8' wide and has a 4 cylinder Mercruiser. I would love to see more photos of your boat as mine is missing the aft engine rear deck area.

Look up High Country Canvas & Marine Inc. in 30512 area code.

Not Cobia MMY
by: Anonymous

Cobia MMY never had that much of a flat bottom hull.

Information on this craft...
by: Vachot

I am restoring one of these Floatel houseboats in Kalamazoo. If anyone else has info to share or would like to see pictures of this contact me at vachotpan on the gm channel.

by: Anonymous

The pictured boat isn't a Cobia MMY, I seen the the first one being built and it was pretty well identical to the production models. I think the others are right about it being a Flotel.

I have this beauty now
by: Anonymous

Anyone ever hear anything else? The hull isn't right for a Cobia unless this was a prototype or something.

There's no hull id I can find on it, Mercruiser on the helm, no engine only the prop.

Cobia Mobile-mini Yacht
by: Anonymous

Just bought a refurbished one of these. Trying to get it insured, but it currently has an 8hp outboard and Progressive says they don't want to insure it with that motor.

Does anyone have a good suggestion for an insurance company that will insure this? Need to get it to its new marina, and of course they need proof of insurance.

by: Vachot

Hey Dr Jack, is this old Floatel still around? I have pics of my Floatel houseboat exactly like that one at my dot com or my gee mail.

Cobia Mobile Mini Yacht
by: Micky Burkett

David, My Dad doesn't have anything on the MMY but he did design it so my be able to recall something like the stack, I'll ask him. sorry lost your number so call back. thanks Micky

Yes, it is a Floatel, made by AMP
by: Vachot

I have one just like it, at least what can be seen from the photo. Made by Ashley Molded Products in Wabash, Indiana.

It's a Floatel!
by: Anonymous

That looks just like my Floatel...

Micky Burkett, come in please...
by: David Soule

I don't know if you will check back in here but I have a Cobia Mini Yacht in Jerome AZ now. We just bought it in New Mexico.

It is missing the smoke stack. Does your Dad have any prints of the smoke stack? I'd love to make a replacement if he did.

Best wishes, David

Cobia Mobile Mini Yacht
by: Micky Burkett

I haven't even seen one of the Cobia MMY's since the seventies and was to young when they were being designed and built to know anything much about them, but my dad Bill who is in his late 70's and in good health could maybe answer questions for you about it.

69 Cobia owner
by: Dean Bethel

Mr Burkett, I saw the picture of the houseboat in the woods, and at first glance thought it was a Cobia mini yacht, but noticed the hull was different than mine, so I read the comments that followed, then I was amazed to read yours.

That's incredible that your Father headed that project. I am in the beginning restoration of mine, I would be interested in any comments, knowledge or information trail I could seek.

Thank you very much, Dean Bethel

Is the boat in the picture for sale?
by: Richard

Has anyone figured out the make and model on this beauty?

Any way to go and get a Hull ID number off of this one?

Cobia Mobile Mini Yacht
by: Micky Burkett

It's not a Cobia Mobile Mini Yacht, My Dad (Bill Burkett) designed and overseen the 1st production at Cobia between 1969-1970 and this is not one the hull is different but house does look similar. I would like to find one if anyone knows where to find one.

This is not an Adventure Craft.
by: Anonymous

This is not an Adventure Craft.

Houseboat in the woods
by: Anonymous

This is a Cobia houseboat, and it came with a inboard. I'm redoing one now, cool little rig.

Mobile Mini Yacht
by: Hugh Williams

I think it is a Mobile Mini-Yacht. I believe it was built by Cobia Boats back in the early 70's.

Make of Houseboat - what brand of boat?
by: Jim Richmond

It looks like an Adventurecraft to me. These are still being built.

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