Any houseboats on Lake of the Ozarks?
by Becky
(Quincy, IL)
Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri. Any houseboat information?
Is there any houseboats on Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri? My husband and I have been considering purchasing a houseboat and locating it at the lake, on Osage Beach, Missouri.
We have going there for years, but never see any houseboats on the lake. (There is one place that rents houseboats, but we never even seen those out very often.) Any suggestions on who to contact for information on rules, regulations, etc...
I have emailed a couple of the marinas, but no response. Any other info for new houseboaters would be great.
Thanks Becky.
Reply - AnswerWell Becky, congratulations on your decision to purchase a houseboat.
As to if there are any houseboats on Lake of the Ozarks, there should be plenty of them. To help you the best that I can, you should have a
look at our Lake of the Ozarks houseboat page for more information. You will also find names and telephone numbers of many of the marinas on the lake.
If you have specific questions to ask, you should telephone the marinas directly and speak to the managers themselves. I find often that when you "send an email" to a website, you never know if they received it, or if they simply don't respond to "general inquiries".
Lastly, hopefully some of our readers will share and post comments about their Lake of the Ozark houseboat experiences. Feel free to use the "Click here to post comments." link found near the bottom of this page.
Thanks again for sharing, IAN from all-about-houseboats
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