Any houseboat Dealers or Brokers take a powerboat Trade In for House Boats?
by Darren
Any houseboat dealers brokers take a powerboat Trade In?
I'm looking for houseboat brokers or dealers, who can take a powerboat, for a Trade In on a house boat? I'm new to the forum and not very boat savvy.
I have a used power boat that I would like to trade in for a houseboat. Can anyone tell me if this is possible? Are there any dealers or brokers out there that will take a trade in just like you can do with a car?
I reside in NJ, so less travel for me the better. Any tips, suggestions, websites, would be appreciated.
Thanks, Darren, NJ
Reply - AnswerWell Darren, welcome to the forums, and congratulations on your decision to buy a houseboat :)
As to your question about "trade ins", it's a common one and frequently asked. I personally don't know of any houseboat brokers or dealers in the New Jersey area that would take a trade in of a powerboat.
You may want to have a look at our
Houseboat For Sale section to get some name of websites to start your search. I am sure you are not the first power-boater that wants to change or upgrade to a houseboat.
Now as to some boat dealers and brokers taking in a used boat as a trade-in for a houseboat, this is a fairly common practice, and is simply a matter of finding the right business. I am sure that some of our readers will be able you to help in finding a solution.
In closing, if you do end up buying a houseboat, do take a picture and post a few lines and share the experience with us all.
Lastly, hopefully some of our readers will share and post comments about their houseboat dealer broker, trade in experiences. Feel free to use the "Click here to post comments." link found near the bottom of this page.
Thanks again for sharing, IAN from all-about-houseboats
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