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Any comments on Fisher Craft Houseboats manufacturer

A clean looking Fisher Craft houseboat.

A clean looking Fisher Craft houseboat.

Can anyone tell me if Fisher Craft Houseboats made a good, solid, small house boat? I can't seem to find very much information on them.

I am looking at one to purchase, and wanted to know if anyone has positive or negative comments to make on this type of houseboat. This FisherCraft would be my first houseboat purchase. Thanks.

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Reply - Answer
Well congratulations on your decision to purchase a houseboat.

The Fisher Craft houseboat reminds me a lot of similar models like the Nautaline, Chris Craft, Holiday Mansion, and Gibson houseboat style boats.

From a "comments" point of view, I don't have any negative things to say, just that I would like to have an older houseboat purchase conditional on passing a satisfactory marine survey.

Other than that, if the price is right, and it suits your needs, than it should be a fun, fast, roomy houseboat, with plenty of potential.

If you do end up buying it, do keep us posted, since we do love pictures of houseboats :)

Lastly, hopefully some of our readers will share and post comments about their Fisher Craft houseboat experiences. Feel free to use the "Click here to post comments." link found at the bottom of this page.

Thanks again for sharing, IAN from all-about-houseboats

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Comments for Any comments on Fisher Craft Houseboats manufacturer

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81 Fishercraft
by: Gabe Smith

I am in the process of gutting one right now. The fiberglass work on the framing is absolute garbage. One layer of fiberglass, on all the stringers, some. The fiberglass is delaminating from the stringers and from the whole of the boat. Completely detached on the bow. One layer of fiberglass, six inches high on the bulkheads, and the rest is raw plywood. They used a plywood washer on the through hull under the shower, which almost sunk the boat yesterday.

Love My Fishercraft but....
by: Soughky Boozky

We have one on the CA Delta, DISCO BABY WOOT WOOT! We love it! If there are any locals on this thread or reading this that have knowledge of the mechanics on these boats, we'd love to pick your brain. We need information on the shifter assembly, cable and outdrive. Currently, we cannot get the boat to shift into reverse. When we purchased it, it reversed but did not go into gear easy. Now its toast. Contact us at

1979 Fishercraft Houseboat
by: Anonymous

I just bought one a couple weeks ago. My first time buying any bought. I have learned a lot since getting ripped off. I learned about surveys, etc after it was too late. There is solar on the boat, but I am a liveaboard so the marina had me move to a covered slip. The seller said he didnt use shore power, but he went out and bought a cord for us to use shore power. The third night we had a small electrical fire, some wires were damaged. So now I have no electricity, hot water, etc. Does anyone know of a person who can come to me and won't break the bank to look and tell me what needs to be replaced, what if anything I can still use, what the costs are estimated to be? I am in the California Delta near Clarksburg, Ca

Manuals for 29 ft. Fishercraft 1979
by: Tony

Does the person that offered copies of the manual still have them did the person in Byron That works at the molding shop ever get the copies. I am also interested in copies of the manuals please.

by: Anonymous

yes you need to pump it out. I had to install a new pump in mine as the one in there quit working.
Easy job. also install a float switch to allow pumping without looking.Continued standing water can compromise the hull. There should be three or four thru hulls on the starboard side above the waterline midship. One for the bath sink, one for the shower, one for the head, and one the that bilge pump.


Water in forward bilge
by: Leo in Georgia

Love my Fisher Craft. My boat doesn’t run and stays tied to the dock on the river. We use it like a floating cabin and it’s the greatest. I lifted the mattress and the floor board and there’s water there but no bilge pump. The carpet is not wet. The rear bilge is at about its usual level and that pump works. It looks like the bow is down a little and the stern up a little. I’m not sure if I need to pump this front water out or what. My email is

Michael please contact me
by: Anonymous

I'm having issues with the marina. They want me out asap. I cant find anyone to pull it out of water and store it for me or work on it.

Contact me
by: Anonymous


new owner
by: Anonymous

We have two fishercraft houseboats we have rebuilt and are now completely functional. We both posess
a great deal of knowlege for the boats. problem areas, etc. His boat we picked up at Lake Berryessa. It was also not running and needed a great deal of work. We have many pics and would share what we know, but we need a contact number of information,

Michael Klamath Falls Oregon...

29 ft Fisher Craft houseboat
by: New owner

Just purchased this for 3000. I can't get it started. I'm in the California Delta if anyone has a manual or any expertise in this houseboat. It needs lot of work but I bought it anyway not knowing the slip it is at is not transferable and the marina said there isn't anymore slips available even though I see plenty. I found a marina that will accept me without a survey certificate something I also didn't know about. If I get 300,ooo liability insurance and can motor it in they have a slip for me. I just bought 500,000 liability and paid my ca registration fees. Just need a way to motor to marina even if I use an outboard but transom to weak. Any suggestions please.

Billy Rice
by: Michael Joe Mulvey

I have a friend who also has a fishercraft with your configureation and had steering issues. We solved the problem by adding two fixed aluminum plates shaped like a sailboat rudder to each end of the swim platform mounted to the platform and also to the transom. Last week we tested by going up the lake 20 miles. He could literally sit out on the front deck for 45 minuits. Many of these boats have this problem.

The problem derives from the shape of the hull.The water exits the stern of the boat on each side. The indents designed on the stern allows the current exiting the hull to collaps inward to close behind the prop, causing it to become insufficiant. Much like any boat at low speed. This will work.

by: Michael

To Billy Rice. Thank you for your response and i found the pump. Do you still have your boat. A friend of mine also has one and his is powered like yours. It also wonders terribly.Contact me, we probably have info to share. Michael

Front bilge pump
by: Billy Rice

Michael, my boat is a 1984 Fishercraft yes under the bed is a access panel with a bilge pump , hose heads over to starboard side , with a through hull fitting.

by: Michael

This is an update message I posted earlier. The outdrives on my Fishercraft are Also BMW Mark1's. I am currently replacing the head, holding tank and etc. In doing so I discovered another line coming from the bow area. Did they factory install an additional bilge pump in the bow to an above the waterline thru hull midship Port side. Having trouble finding the access. ANYONE KNOW.


Fishercraft / Nautaline / Holiday Mansion
by: Anonymous

The molds for the Fishercraft 29 were originally used by Nautaline for a 28 that they built for a short period of time in the early 1970's. It looked a lot like a Nautaline 34 except that the forward deck was much shorter and did not have the built-in bench seat on the forward deckhouse bulkhead that the 34 had. There were very few Nautaline 28's sold

I believe that Holiday Mansion eventually built a few boats using these same molds, calling it the Baymaster 290

Very very few of the BMW sterndrive units were sold and they are almost never seen anymore. Maybe the ultimate "orphan" outdrive, right up there with the Chrysler 300 drive.

Stringer System?
by: Steve

I have a 1981 Fishercraft Pleasure. Does anyone know what kind of stringers were used?

1982 Fishercraft
by: Michael

This summer I purchased a Fishercraft 28 foot houseboat. My power configuration is two BMW 130 engines with Volvo outdrives. Also if that wasn't enough the previous owner installed a new 50hp Honda outboard as a kicker I assume. All three are controlled from the main pilot station. The two main engines are also controlled from the existing flybridge. These are the coolest smaller houseboats ever! Mine is completely original. I just purchase a 10500 LB capacity 30 foot aluminum trailer for her. I am all in at $12,500.00. One of my better deals. While they are trailerable, they are quite a load on the highway with nearly a 12 foot beam. I am looking forward to getting her to my home where I can really spruce her up.

1984 FisherCraft
by: Bill Rice

Have had my boat now for six months or so. I like the boat and its built pretty good, mine is powered by a 305 Chevy with Volvo Penta outdrive.

It steers terrible, as I have to chase it left and right but I'm getting used to it. I wish I can find wire and plumbing diagrams. The fresh water to toilet is leaking (not sure where).

If any one has any pictures or diagrams please let me know.

Thank You, Bill Rice

My father built the FisherCraft boats
by: Anonymous

My father bought the molds for the hull and he modified them, one reason he has said was so the boat would plane on the water easily at speed.

I love to hear the stories he tells of the process he went through and the reasons he chose the layout and design.

He tells stories of movie stars and famous athletes back in the day coming to rent and buy his boats near Bethel Island. He even had a tax incentive figured out for buyers.

He is very proud of the work he did and his eyes still light up when he talks about it. I wish I had the means to buy him one of his old boats - he still enjoys getting out on the water, currently a small Bayliner is his vessel.

Thinking of getting a 1984
by: Bill Rice

Would love to see photos of others.

Looking for any information
by: Anonymous

I have a 1979 29ft Fisher Craft Houseboat I recently purchased. I'm looking for the power source and can't find in cab.

I am the Rick in Fisher Craft
by: Rick H.

Ted, Lance, Kent and myself put years of experience along with a true love of the design into every boat that we completed. It was a sad day that we had to close our shop.

The closure had nothing to do with the quality or sea worthiness of the boat. We all sold our souls trying to keep Fisher Craft going.

If you are lucky enough to purchase one you should be proud to own a true work of the heart and a fine craft. Enjoy your boat the way we enjoyed building it.

Rick H.

I need a manual for a 1987 Fisher Craft
by: Anonymous

Hi, I need a manual for a 1987 Fisher Craft. Ed

Fisher Craft houseboats, a labor of love
by: Anonymous

I built Fisher Craft in 1985 and 1986. My change in wives put an end to the great boat. I know the quality and construction that went into this 29 ft houseboat in that you could water-ski behind it.

We put BMW engines and outdrives into these boats. The wood work, finish, carpet, cabinets, and stainless rails were all top of the line. We never made much money, but we put out a boat the we were proud to share.

When I left the company in 1986 I had great hope that the line would continue, unfortunately it didn't. If you have one of these, or are thinking of buying one, you need to know that every screw, nail, fiberglass, or wire was installed to the exact specifications that we all agreed on, to make the best sports houseboat ever built.

Ted, Lance, Kent, and Rick put a lot of their love, sweat and tears into making what we were proud to call Fisher Craft.

Just a bit of history on Fisher Craft.

Need Fisher Craft manuals
by: Anonymous

To the guy that has the Fisher Craft manuals, of course I would like copies. You can call me at the moulding shop in Brentwood. Thank you or leave your information here.

We own a Fisher Craft
by: Anonymous

We bought it six years ago and we use it like a cabin. We have it docked on private property. We don't take it out much because it is hard to steer and we have a small speed boat to goof around in, the houseboat is home base.

We cook, nap, spend the night have very cramped parties. We have yet to use the shore power, we just don't need it, we have a grill, propane, and fun lanterns.

We meant to fix it up and explore the Delta but we just haven't. We bought it for $5,900 and we have had a lot of fun, again it's a floating cabin for us.

We can sleep 6 adults, if we have a couple brave souls who want to sleep topside. The kids jump off the top into the water once in a while we take it out for a sunset cruise.

I have the original manuals if you would like copies let me know.

1984 Fisher Craft
by: Ken

I bought a 1984 Fisher Craft a couple months ago and started the remodelling. I noticed a hump in the floor when I bought it and new what I was getting into, a stringer replacement.

After complete demolition of the inside including the capsule like bathroom and the front and back bulkheads we started cutting the caps off the stringers. This boat was made in Byron California which is only a couple miles from were we live.

I would not recommend this type of project for the DYI. I have got to know this boat from top to bottom and I can probably tell you a lot about it.

If you would like to see pictures we are about to re-cap the stringers and install the bulk heads. We can't wait for next season.

This is a great little houseboat and hard to find in good shape so if you are looking for one, good luck.


If this boat was furniture, it'd be a bar stool. A tiny one.
by: Anonymous

I have a friend who has one. it's 29ft, and he wishes he'd never bought it, it's too damn tiny. You can't turn around in the damn thing.

Every little wave rolls it over, it's squirrely under power and you have to make constant steering adjustments. It's like boating in a walk in closet. Ugh!!!

It's better off on dry land and use it to store your lawn mower. Just don't try to put two of them in there...

Small Houseboats - big storage and room for the size
by: Anonymous

I own a 1981 29ft FisherCraft houseboat. I will say that the layout of this boat is very spacious and roomy for only 29ft. If you are putting it in a slip at a marina you won't pay much but compared to other boats in this size, this boat by far is more roomy and comfortable.

It also handles very well in the water and also is decent on gas. The only downfall I have on this boat is that the boat leans a little to the right and thats because the water tank is on the left side and everytime the water tank gets lower the boat starts to lean more towards the right.

I don't like that the boat only floats evenly if the water tank is completely full (I guess I can put some dead weight so I don't worry about it) . I also noticed that it wasn't just my boat but I also saw the same thing on another Fisher Craft.

This boat was only manufactured from 1979-1981. Lots of windows so if you're not in a covered slip you may want to get the windows tinted. The waste tank is very small and is not reasonable to use for a family of four as it gets full very fast.

Overall I am extremely happy with the boat and the engine parts are easy to find and don't cost much (volvo penta 225d = chevy 350 engine). I hope this was helpful for future buyers!

Fisher Craft
by: Brian

It's true that there's not much info on them. I'm also contemplating the purchase of one. Haven't seen it yet so I don't know how it'll be but I hope you have more info next week. If anyone knows more, I'd appreciate hearing from you.

Thanks, Brian

1981 Fishercraft houseboat
by: Anonymous

We bought a 29 ft. 1981 Fishercraft houseboat last May. It has a 4 cyl. Volvo penta with a 280 out drive. We worked on the boat for about 3 months on its trailer fixing numerous issues which we knew a 28 yr. old boat would have.

After having it in the water for a few months we love the maneuverability, all the windows, and the very low fuel burn, 6 MPH @ 1.5 GPH. That said, the boat seems to be bow heavy and plows through the water.

These boats also had 350 engines which would put more weight in the stern along with a larger fuel tank. Next season we will install additional fuel tank to try and get some more weight in the stern along with increasing the range to about 200 miles, a real advantage on Lake Powell.

A great boat for 2 or 4 folks. Easily beached and maneuvered. Wonderful views while parked or underway. We can't seem to find much information on these boats, maybe not many built for whatever reason.

Fisher Craft - Is it right for you?
by: justcyn

We also looked at a 30 ft. Fisher Craft and have since purchased our first, a 42? Gibson. Yes there is very little info on them. The one we were considering was touted as one of only 4 or 5 in existence. Perhaps Fisher Craft never made many of them but I don?t know how many.

The one we looked at had been completely gutted on the interior and after long hard contemplation of the seller?s presentation we felt we were looking at a boat in a canal, perhaps broken and sunken, and sitting on the bottom.

We do live in hurricane country and sunken boats are encountered and many are sold by people wanting to get rid of them to the unsuspecting.

We were intrigued by the potential of this houseboat to be trailerable but felt this particular vessel was not sound and restorable. Maybe storm damage; maybe it was simply old, even maybe abused by the seller?s careless use in rougher waters than it was meant for.

Don?t want to burst your bubble and we had lovely initial dreams for this boat. But our guts, coupled with the bits of info we did have, told us that this manufacturer was inexperienced in houseboat design and structure and also seemed to be producing an economy (read cheap) product with a few pretty details to sell it.

Good luck but my intuition wants to tell you to keep looking.

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